hello there!


Hello, welcome to my site! 

I'm Levine, the author of this online blog.
Levinenivel is an online blog that was born from a love of story telling and traveling.
This blog is an escape for me from my daily routine (well, I don't really like routine).
I was born in Tanjung Karang, May 24th. 
I currently reside in Cibubur, East Jakarta. 
I drink tea in coffee shop, I love big smiles and surprises.
I often find myself really enjoy exploring new places and meeting new people.
Being the firstborn has made me more independent in life.

I also, occasionally, leave my bedroom to do things “in real life”. I spent like 30 hours or more in a week to teach Maths, Science and English. At least once a week I share good news from Bible to people I meet, too. I write sometimes. If I'm bored with writing, I will pick up some books, mostly non-fiction or self-help ones. If books put me into boredom, I will grab my sketchbook and my watercolors tool-kit. If those things get me bored, I will get on my knees and pray to God to take this boredom away. Lol seriously, I was kidding *winks* 

I love to capture moments with my camera phone and my old pocket camera.









Goodreads: Book reviews, recommendations, and discussion